Our desire goes further than just see God move and work in the services of Edgemont each week. We want to make a difference for the cause of Christ in our community. Each week, our we receive phone calls and visits from people in our area that are hurting. The extent of the need in each case varies from person to person. Whether the needs are financial, physical, or emotional, we believe the greatest need in everyone’s life is spiritual. We want to do our best to try to reach out into our community and see how the Lord will allow us to help meet these needs.
Here are some ares of outreach you may be interested in helping in:
Financial Counseling
Prayer Teams
Community service projects
Spanish Ministry
Nursing Home Ministry
Visitation Teams
There is so much work to be done for the Lord in our community. I hope that you will consider participating in one of our outreach ministries, as well as praying with us as we strive to show and share the love of Christ to those around us!